Trendy Hues: Interior Paint Color Trends for the Year 


Interior design is an ever-evolving field, much like the world of fashion and technology. Each year, new trends emerge, nurturing homes with fresh and appealing aesthetics. One factor that can dramatically change the vibe of your interiors is the wall’s color. As simple as it may seem, a coat of paint can set the mood in every room and ultimately shapes the identity of your home. In this article, we’ll explore the most recent color trends in the realm of interior design, making your home a true reflection of the times.

2020 Reinvented: The Biophilic Approach

2020 was a game-changer in more ways than one could count. It redefined our lifestyle patterns and our relationships with our homes. With people spending most of their time indoors, a growing trend was observed leaning towards a much more organic, natural and soothing palette rooted in Biophilic Design. Biophilia is the human inclination to affiliate with nature, and it has significantly impacted the color trends in interior paint for this year. Think shades that calibrate the human mind towards calmness and serenity like deep peacock greens, moody indigo blues, and luxurious teals.

Neutral Shades: The Reclaimed Popularity

Neutral tones are classics, evergreen. They possess a timeless versatility that complements almost all other colors. While many might argue that neutrals are safe and predictable, the recent trend showcases a reinvigorated love for these hues in a new light. Neutral tones like crisp whites, soft beige, earthy browns, and subtle greys are now being paired with robust, textured furnishings and vibrant patterns, proving that they can be anything but boring.

Regality in Rich Jewel Tones

Jewel tones have always held a special place in interior design, offering opulence, depth, and a touch of lux. Think ruby red, emerald green, sapphire blue, and golden opal. Paired with luxurious fabrics such as velvet or silk, these colors can dramatically elevate the aesthetic of any room. The key here is balance — too much can be overwhelming, so it’s best to use them as statement pieces or accent walls.

Bold Move: Black is Back

In the past couple of years, black got reestablished as a bold, chic, and versatile domestic presence. Black can serve as an impressive backdrop when used correctly, allowing other elements to pop. This color trend ensures that decorated spaces have a sleek, modern edge. Matte black is particularly fashionable, thanks to its clever ability to accentuate natural light and contrast against bright colors symmetrically.

Earth Tones: Humble and Grounded

Earth tones transport us back to our roots, acknowledging the beauty of the natural world. These colors include mallard green, terracotta, taupe, hazel, and ocean blue. In a way, these paints represent a mindful living that appreciates the simple things, bringing the outside world into our homes. A room painted with an earth tone gives off an organic, warm, and cozy feeling, inviting people to relax and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.


Despite the wide variety of trendy colors, it’s essential to recognize that these are simply guidelines and not rules set in stone. Your home should ultimately reflect your personal taste and vision. So, don’t shy away from making bold color moves that fit your aesthetic and bring you joy. If anything, 2022 has shown that there is room for all kinds of design styles and colors, like the soothing biophilic hues, the classic neutrals’ comeback, the richness of jewel tones, the daring presence of black and the humble appreciation of earth tones. By incorporating the latest interior paint color trends, you can rejuvenize your space and make it entirely your own.