Tackling Texture: Tips for Painting Textured Interior Walls 


You may have come across textured interior walls in homes, cafes, or offices, which impart an additional dimension of sophistication and charm to a room. These surfaces, however, can pose certain challenges when it comes to painting, especially if you are a DIY enthusiast. Painting textured walls requires some honed skills, unique supplies, and a different approach than the standard flat wall. But worry not, for we are here to guide you through the process and share vital practical tips that will make your task easier and more enjoyable.

Understanding Wall Texture

The first rule of painting textured walls is to understand the texture itself. Various techniques exist to create textured surfaces, such as ‘knockdown,’ ‘orange peel,’ and ‘popcorn.’ Each one has unique characteristics that will affect the choice of paint and its application. It’s crucial to identify which kind of texture you are dealing with before planning your painting strategy.

Selecting the Right Tools

Choosing the right tools is a significant milestone in tackling textured walls. A high-quality, thicker roller cover will typically be the best tool for the job. For rougher textures, consider using a roller with a nap that’s 3/4 inch or even higher. Rollers with a higher nap will hold more paint and deal with the wall’s surface better.

Brushes also play a crucial role – a high-quality angled brush is perfect for “cutting in” along trim and corners or reaching notoriously tricky areas. Using a small brush will ensure that you have control over the brush and can guide it accurately through the textured surface.

Choosing the Right Paint and Primers

The paint’s type and finish you choose play a significant role when painting textured walls. Heavy textures, for example, are accentuated by gloss or semi-gloss paint finishes, while lighter textures are more suited to matte finishes.

A good quality primer can work wonders on textured walls. Primers give a smooth base for your paint to adhere to and can help any color stand out vibrantly against the texture. Plus, having a primed wall makes the application of paint more manageable and smoother, regardless of the roughness of the textured surface.

Applying the Paint

Applying paint to a textured wall requires patience and careful technique. The “W” method, where you roll paint onto the wall in the shape of a W and then fill in the blanks without lifting the roller, usually works best. This technique promotes even coverage and reduces the appearance of roller marks.

Getting into the nooks and crannies can also be a challenge with a rough surface. When rolling, be sure to press a little more firmly than you would with a smooth wall to ensure the paint saturates all the texture’s peaks and valleys.

Checking Your Work

Thoroughly inspect your work after the first coat dries. Look for missed spots, uneven areas, or places where the underlying wall still shows through. For areas that need touching up, a small, handheld brush can be invaluable. However, remember that textured walls rarely look perfect after just one coat. So, be prepared to apply a second or even a third coat to achieve a professional-looking finish.


Tackling the painting of textured interior walls might pose a challenge initially, but with the right understanding and the correct tools, even a novice can get a professional finish. Remember, patience is crucial, as is thorough preparation. By taking the time to comprehend the texture, choosing the right paint and primer, selecting appropriate tools, and meticulously applying the paint, you can overcome the hurdles of working with texture, bringing a fresh and intriguing look to any room in your home. Whether you’re a professional painter or an amateur, everyone can appreciate the particular appeal and distinctive flair that a masterfully painted textured wall can offer. Happy painting!

Emotions in Hues: Color Psychology in Interior Design 


Colors are influential in every aspect of our lives. They bring emotions to life, stimulate memories, and can even motivate action. It’s no surprise that color plays an essential role in the design world, particularly in our homes’ interiors. This influence of colors on emotions is scientifically acknowledged, forming the basis of color psychology in interior design.

Color psychology postulates that the hues we select for our living environments can directly impact the occupants’ emotions. The understanding and application of this principle can be a powerful tool in creating balanced, harmonious, and personalized spaces.

This article will explore the concept of color psychology in interior design, highlighting the emotional connection between colors and the human psychology, and demonstrating how professionals leverage this knowledge to create atmospherically diverse spaces.

Understanding Color Psychology in Interior Design

Color psychology refers to the study of how color influences human behavior and mood. Each color on the spectrum tends to evoke a particular set of emotions or feelings, which subsequently impact our reactions and behaviors. For example, warm colors like red, orange, and yellow stimulate and energize, while cool colors like blue, green, and violet are associated with calm and serenity.

In interior design, this translates to color choices having a profound influence on how a room ‘feels.’ A well-designed space acknowledges the psychological effects of color and utilizes them to shape and enhance the desired mood of the room.

The Emotion in Colors and How to Use Them

Understanding the emotional connotations associated with specific colors is fundamental to achieving desired moods for each space. Let’s explore common colors and the feelings they typically induce:


Red is the color of passion, intensity, and energy. It triggers emotions like excitement, warmth, but also aggression. Therefore, it is typically used in moderation. Accent pieces or one feature wall in red can invigorate a room without overwhelming it.


Blue evokes feelings of calm, tranquillity, and harmony, making it perfect for living rooms and bedrooms where a soothing atmosphere is desirable. Light blues are especially calming, while deeper blues can create a luxurious, melancholic ambiance.


Green, as the color of nature, brings feelings of renewal, freshness, and relaxation, with darker shades associated with stability and affluence. As a refreshing and balancing color, green is ideal for almost every room in the house.


Yellow symbolizes happiness, warmth, and optimism, though too much can lead to feelings of anxiety or agitation. Given its cheerful demeanor, yellow is great for kitchens or dining areas, stimulating appetite and facilitating conversation.


Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red resulting in luxury, power, and mystery. Lighter shades like lavender promote a restful environment, making it suitable for bedrooms.


White represents purity, cleanliness, and creates an illusion of a more spacious room. It provides a neutral backdrop that allows other colors in the room to stand out.


The power of color psychology in interior design is undeniable. By thoughtfully choosing hues, we can set the undercurrent of emotion in any space, invoking restfulness, excitement, warmth, or sophistication at will. Colors speak a universal language of emotion understood intuitively by all, thus stepping into a room can be like stepping into a mood.

However, it is equally important to remember that individual cultural backgrounds and personal experiences can also influence perceptions of color significantly. Therefore, the practice of color psychology in interior design often requires balancing general trends and personal preferences for a unique, empathetic, and effective design. By doing so, interior designers can create spaces that are tailored to trigger desired emotional responses, genuinely reflecting the occupants’ personality and enhancing the quality of their lives.

Breathe Easy: Benefits of Low VOC Interior Paint 

Introduction to Low VOC Interior Paint

Indoor air quality is a major concern for many, particularly for those who spend most of their time indoors. It’s no secret that poor indoor air quality can adversely impact our health. As such, many individuals are keen to reduce indoor air pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). One way to do so is by using low VOC interior paints. This article explores the benefits of low VOC interior paint.

Volatile Organic Compounds, often referred to as VOCs, are harmful chemicals that are released into the air from various sources, including paints. They negatively impact the environment and may pose health risks to individuals, more so during application and the drying period. Low VOC paints, on the other hand, contain fewer VOCs, which contributes to a healthier indoor air quality.

A Cleaner Environment

In the quest for sustainable living and a cleaner environment, low VOC interior paints champion the way. They release fewer pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to the reduction in ozone layer depletion and global warming. Not only does this make low VOC paints an eco-friendly choice, but it also establishes them as a responsible option to curb environmental degradation. By choosing low VOC interior paints, you’re making a conscious decision to protect and preserve the environment.

A Healthier Indoor Air Quality

The lower the VOC content of a product, the less it contributes to air pollution and the buildup of toxic chemicals within our homes. High levels of VOCs can cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea, while long-term exposure can lead to complications such as liver and kidney damage. Selecting low VOC interior paints significantly reduces the potential for these health risks, leading to a healthier and safer living or working space.

Immediate Use of Painted Rooms

Rooms painted with traditional high-VOC paints typically require ample time to air out before they can be safely used. This is due to the harmful fumes emitted by VOCs. Conversely, rooms painted with low VOC interior paints can usually be used immediately or shortly after painting. This is a significant advantage for commercial spaces or homes where evacuation or downtime isn’t feasible.

Diverse Range of Colors and Finishes

In the past, opting for low VOC paint often meant sacrificing on color options and finish quality. Not anymore. Today, low VOC interior paints come in a wide range of color options and finishes comparable to traditional high VOC paints. This means you don’t need to compromise on aesthetics to reap the other benefits low VOC interior paints offer.

Translation to Monetary Value

While low VOC interior paints tend to be more expensive upfront than their high VOC counterparts, the long-term monetary benefits cannot be overlooked. Its durability and high-quality finish mean less frequent repainting. Moreover, potential health complications mitigated by using low VOC paint could save on medical expenses. Additionally, eco-conscious customers are more drawn towards businesses that align with their values, thus potentially increasing profit for commercial spaces.

Conclusion: Breathing Easy with Low VOC Interior Paint

The benefits of low VOC interior paint are far-reaching. Not only do they contribute to a cleaner environment, but also a healthier indoor air quality. They allow immediate use of painted rooms with no adverse odors while providing a diverse range of colors and finishes to choose from. Though the initial cost may be higher, the potential long-term health and monetary benefits make the transition towards low VOC paints worthwhile.

In essence, low VOC interior paints provide you with the opportunity to breathe easy, both literally and figuratively. Their advantages help create a safe and healthy environment that everyone deserves, without compromising on aesthetic appeal. Thus, considering low VOC interior paints is a wise decision for the health of both your indoor environment and the planet.

Your Color, Your Way: Custom Paint Color Matching Services 

Introduction to Custom Paint Color Matching Services

As an architect or interior designer, you may sometimes feel limited by the standard range of paint colors available in the market. However, the world of color is as varied and extraordinary as the atmosphere around us. So, it’s not surprising that the demand for custom paint color matching services has considerably escalated over the years. These services take your creative imagination to the next level, enabling you to put together a unique blend aptly suited to your style or client’s preference.

In this article, we’ll be discussing the ins and outs of custom paint color matching services, showing how you can empower your creativity and make your interior design projects truly unique.

Understanding Custom Paint Color Matching Services

Custom paint color matching refers to the process where paint professionals utilize advanced technology and techniques to create an exact match for a specific color. This service is not limited to exclusively replicating existing paint samples. It can also involve designing a completely new and unique color based on the customer’s preferences or a color sample from a non-paint source like a fabric, a piece of artwork, or even nature.

The Importance of Custom Paint Color Matching Services

Sticking to standardized color options might not always provide the desired aesthetic. Custom paint color matching services, on the other hand, unleash a world of countless possibilities. These services can play an instrumental role in various circumstances including:

A Taste for Unique Colors

Some clients have particular color tastes, making it difficult to satisfy their preferences using the standard color palette. Custom paint color matching addresses this challenge by providing the flexibility to develop a unique color that perfectly matches their desires.

Replication of Discontinued Colors

Colors are often discontinued by manufacturers leaving property owners in a dilemma if they wish to replicate the original look of their spaces. Here, custom paint color matching services become a game-changer as they can recreate the discontinued color.

Consistency across Different Brands

Sometimes, you might require using paints from different brands, but maintaining consistency can be problematic due to slight deviations in color. Custom paint color matching services ensure uniformity across diverse brands.

How Custom Paint Color Matching Services Work

The process of custom paint color matching begins with submitting a sample of the color you want to duplicate or a reference for a new color creation. Modern spectrophotometers are used to scan and measure the color properties of the sample. The results are then compared with a vast database of paint formulas to find an existing match or create an entirely new formulation.

The custom paint formula is then created, usually involving the careful combination of various pigments and bases. Achieving the perfect match often requires multiple iterations and a keen eye for detail to account for variables like finish, light conditions, and the material on which the paint will be applied.

Choosing a Service Provider for Custom Paint Color Matching

When choosing a custom paint color matching service provider, ensure they have seasoned professionals, employ advanced color matching technology, and pay exquisite attention to detail. Also, check for service reviews and customer testimonials to gauge the quality of their service.

Conclusion: Unlock a World of Color with Custom Paint Color Matching Services

Custom paint color matching services are an excellent resource for architects, interior designers, or anyone seeking to create a unique visual impact with their color choices. These services not only give you the freedom to express your creativity but also ensure your designs maintain a distinctive charm, reflecting the specific tastes and preferences of you or your clients.

In a world where possibilities are as infinite as colors themselves, take the liberty to design your color, your way. Embrace custom paint color matching services today and see your imagination come alive in unexpected and brilliantly delightful ways.

Harmonious Hues: Interior Paint Color Coordination Tips 

Introduction to Harmonious Hues

A thoughtfully color-coordinated interior can visually transform your living space into a delightful oasis that truly reflects your individual style and personality. Carefully chosen paint colors can set the mood of a room, highlighting architectural details and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal. This article provides insightful tips on interior paint color coordination to help you achieve harmonious hues in your home.

Understanding the Color Wheel

The color wheel, an essential tool for color coordination, visually represents how different colors relate to each other. It is divided into warm colors (yellows, reds, and oranges) and cool colors (blues, greens, and purples). Understanding how to utilize the complementary, analogous, and monochromatic relationships in the color wheel will empower you to make smart color choices.

Complementary Color Approach

Complementary colors lie directly opposite each other on the color wheel and create a high contrast, bold effect. This approach is perfect for adding vibrancy to a room. For example, blue and orange or red and green are complementary pairs. However, when using this strategy, it’s crucial to balance these bold combinations with neutral colors to prevent them from becoming overwhelming.

Analogous Color Scheme

Analogous colors are those that sit side by side on the color wheel, such as red, orange, and yellow or blue, green, and violet. This color scheme is generally more harmonious and calming since these colors have a similar base. Using analogous color schemes will provide your space with a serene and cohesive feel, ideal for bedrooms or study spaces.

Monochromatic Color Palette

A monochromatic color scheme involves the use of different shades, tints, and tones of a single color to create a coordinated look. This approach can make a room feel balanced and sophisticated. To avoid monotony, incorporate texture through furnishings and decor.

Consider Natural and Artificial Light

Light can dramatically affect how a paint color appears on your walls. Natural sunlight will show the truest color, so apply sample swatches in an area where natural light hits. Also, consider the type of artificial lights you have as they will shift the color perception. For instance, incandescent bulbs can warm up cool hues, while fluorescent lights can bring out the cool tones in colors.

Take into Account the Room’s Function and Size

The purpose of the room can be a significant determinant of the color scheme. For example, kitchens and dining rooms can benefit from warmer hues, inducing appetite and sociability. On the contrary, colors like blues, greens, and purples can induce a sense of calm and relaxation, suitable for bedrooms and bathrooms.

Finally, remember that lighter colors can make a small room appear larger and brighter, while darker colors can make a large room feel cozier.

Test Paint Samples

Paint colors can frequently look different once applied to walls and subjected to different light conditions throughout the day. As such, it’s recommended to always test your selected paint samples on various walls in the room. Observe these samples at different times of the day to ensure that you are happy with your choice in any light.

Conclusion: Harmony in Hues is a Matter of Balance

Interior paint color coordination doesn’t have to be a complex process. By comprehending the color wheel and considering the multitude of variables such as light, room function, and size, you can create captivating color combinations that harmoniously work together. Always remember, the best color scheme is the one that resonates most with your personal taste and the overall aesthetic of your home. After all, your home is an extension of who you are, and its colors should bring joy and comfort to you.

Green Living: Eco-Friendly Interior Paint Choices 

Introduction to Eco-Friendly Paint Choices

In recent times, the rise of modern conscience towards our environment has stirred people to shift and adapt eco-friendly lifestyles. One lifestyle aspect that has seen a significant transformation is interior design, especially in the choice of paint. Many homeowners are now turning to eco-friendly paint options for their interior spaces, contributing to healthier indoor air quality and a greener planet.

This article provides an insightful guide into the choices of eco-friendly interior paints, discussing their types, benefits, and the best practices for choosing environmentally friendly paints.

Eco-Friendly Paints: What Are They?

Eco-friendly paints, otherwise known as ‘green’ or ‘natural’ paints, are precisely what their names suggest. They are environmentally friendly paints, produced with natural, non-toxic materials that reduce harmful emissions into the environment. These organic paints usually derive from plant sources, featuring ingredients such as clay, chalk, or milk protein as the paint base. Additionally, natural pigments are used for coloration, providing a healthy and vibrant alternative to conventional synthetic-based paints.

Health Benefits of Eco-Friendly Paints

Apart from being kind to the environment, eco-friendly paints offer numerous health benefits. Conventional paint often contains high levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that can cause various health issues such as allergies, headaches, and respiratory difficulties. With low or no VOCs, eco-friendly paints help to maintain good indoor air quality, promoting healthier living spaces.

Moreover, because of their natural ingredients, eco-friendly paints often possess anti-bacterial and fungicidal properties. Therefore, these paints not just beautify your space but add a layer of health protection too.

Environmental Impact of Eco-Friendly Paints

The environmental benefits of eco-friendly paints are undeniable. Besides reducing VOC emissions, these paints are typically manufactured sustainably, using renewable resources and energy-efficient processes. Furthermore, as they are biodegradable, even the disposal of leftover paint poses less harm to the environment in comparison to conventional paints.

Choosing the Right Eco-Friendly Paint

Choosing the right eco-friendly paint for your home goes beyond simply picking the color you like. Here are a few considerations when making your selection:

Check the VOC Levels

VOC levels are the primary consideration. Opt for paints labeled as ‘low-VOC’ or ‘zero-VOC’. However, always read the manufacturers’ data sheet for a more detailed chemical make-up.

The Green Seal

Ensure the paint you choose has an authentication mark, such as the Green Seal. This guarantees that the product has met stringent environmental standards.

Certified Organic

While not a necessity, paints certified as organic are made from natural mineral pigments and plant-based resins. They may be more expensive, but they are the most environmentally friendly option.


Finally, consider the durability of the paint. Getting eco-friendly paint that can withstand wears and tears will prevent frequent repainting, thus reducing environmental impact further.

Leading Brands in Eco-Friendly Paint

Several environmentally-conscious brands are leading the charm for greener paint options. These include Ecos Paints, which offer VOC-free products, Benjamin Moore, known for long-lasting, low VOC paints, and Earthborn, renowned for its clay and casein paint lines.

Conclusion: The Future of Interior Design

Eco-friendly interior paint choices provide a perfect solution to decorating your interiors beautifully and healthily without causing harm to Mother Nature. Yes, going green in paints might require a bit more effort and cost a tad more. However, the long-term benefits to health, coupled with the positive impact on our environment, make it a worthwhile investment.

In the coming years, as sustainability becomes a norm rather than a trend, we must anticipate more innovation in this sphere. It is, therefore, pertinent for homeowners to stay informed and make choices that reflect a commitment to a greener and healthier planet. Indeed, eco-friendly paints are a major step forward in pledging ourselves to green living.

Brushing Up: Selecting the Right Brushes for Interior Painting 


Interior painting can deliver transformative and refreshing changes to your home. Whether you decide to engage in a full home revamp or merely touch up a few patches here and there, your choice of painting tools can make all the difference. Even though various painting tools are available today, the traditional paintbrush remains a time-tested, flexible tool, especially for detail work or intricate trim. However, the vast range of paintbrushes available can be overwhelming. This article aims to help you identify the right brushes for your next interior painting project.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Brush

Brush selection is a not-to-be-underestimated aspect of any painting project. The right brush creates a flawless finish, while the wrong brush may leave streaks or brush hair throughout your project’s surface. Brushes have different sizes, types, and materials, and each serves specific purposes and surfaces. Understanding these factors plays a critical role in ensuring your paint application is smooth, accurate, and durable.

Types of Brush Bristles

When it comes to painting brushes, there are two main types of bristles: natural and synthetic. Natural-bristle brushes, constructed from animal hair, are ideal for applying oil-based or alkyd paints, varnishes, shellac, and polyurethane. They have split ends that hold more paint and help ensure a smooth application.

Synthetic-bristle brushes, made from nylon or polyester, are perfect for water-based paints like latex due to their resistance to water damage. They are also easy to clean, durable, and great for maintaining a sharp edge, making them fantastic for detail work and straight edges.

Brush Sizes and Shapes

Brushes range from 1 inch to 4 inches in width. The choice largely depends on your project. For trim or window frames, a 1 to 2-inch angled brush offers the best control and ease. Wider brushes such as the 3 to 4-inch brushes come in handy when painting large, flat areas such as walls or ceilings.

In terms of shape, flat brushes are great for large surfaces and smooth finishes. They hold a large amount of paint and can cover a large area quickly. On the other hand, an angled or sash brush has slanted bristles, making it easier for detailed work like painting along edges and corners.

Caring for Your Brushes

The longevity and effectiveness of your brushes heavily depend on the care and attention they receive. After each use, ensure you clean your brushes thoroughly to remove any remaining paint. Store them hanging up or laid flat instead of standing on their bristles. Regular cleaning and good storage practices can significantly prolong your brushes’ lifespan, keeping them ready and in top shape for your next project.

Factors to Consider Before Making a Purchase

Before buying a paintbrush, you must first consider the type of paint you will be using and the surface you will be painting. The budget is another vital factor. Quality brushes can be pricier, but they offer better control, better paint distribution, last longer, and ultimately yield superior results. Therefore, investing in high-quality brushes can pay dividends in the long run.


Choosing the right brush for your interior painting project is a critical step to achieving a flawless, professional-looking finish. Understanding the differences and unique advantages of each type of brush will guide you in making the right choice for your exact needs. Always spend time considering the nature of your project, the kinds of paints you’ll be using, and the surfaces you’ll be painting to ensure a perfect match. The careful selection, combined with the appropriate care for your brushes, will invariably lead to pleasing and durable results. Don’t cut corners when it comes to quality, as the right brushes can make your painting project a rewarding and stress-free endeavor. Remember, a smooth painting process is directly correlated to the quality and suitability of your chosen tools, and this maxim rings especially true for the humble but essential paintbrush.

Shine On: Selecting the Right Sheen for Interior Paint 

Introduction: Understanding the Sheen of Your Paint

Choosing a paint color for interior walls involves much more than just selecting a shade that will complement your decor. To get the best results, you need to pay attention to the kind of paint sheen. Paint sheen, or finish, largely determines how vibrant or subdued your color will look, and how well the paint will withstand the wear and tear of daily life. With that in mind, this article aims to guide you in selecting the right sheen for interior paint.

Defining Paint Sheen

In simple terms, paint sheen refers to the shine or glossiness in a coat of paint. This is an important aspect of paint selection as it greatly influences how the final paint job will look and function. Paint sheens can be broadly categorized into five types: flat/matte, eggshell, satin, semi-gloss, and high gloss. Each comes with its unique set of pros and cons, which are determined by its properties like durability, shine, and ability to hide imperfections.

Flat or Matte Sheen

Flat or matte sheens have a non-reflective finish, making them excellent at hiding minor wall blemishes and imperfections. They provide a rich, deep color effect, making them ideal for low-traffic areas like ceilings and bedrooms. However, matte paint is less durable and more prone to marking, which can be a drawback in rooms where walls may receive more wear and tear.

Eggshell Sheen

The eggshell sheen has slightly more luster than a flat finish but doesn’t project a shiny surface. It’s a suitable choice for dining and living rooms as it provides a warm, low-sheen finish while offering better durability and stain resistance than flat paint. This type of paint can often withstand cleaning without losing its texture and finish.

Satin Sheen

Satin offers a nice balance of easy-clean and moderate sheen. It’s more reflective than eggshell, giving a warm and inviting look to spaces. Satin paint is perfect for high-traffic areas in your home, including children’s rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. It provides excellent durability and a finish that’s resistant to mildew, stains, and dirt.

Semi-Gloss Sheen

As the name suggests, semi-gloss sheens are more glossy than satin and less glossy than high gloss. They are highly durable, resisting most stains and moisture, making them an excellent choice for hardworking rooms like bathrooms and kitchens. One drawback is that they may highlight imperfections on the surfaces they are used on, due to their reflective nature.

High Gloss Sheen

High gloss paints are the most durable of all sheens. They’re easy to clean, resist stains and moisture, and reflect light for a beautiful shine. Thanks to their glossiness, they’re often used for accents and trim rather than for entire walls. However, be cautious: high-gloss sheens will show nearly every imperfection in a wall or ceiling’s surface.

Conclusion: Making Your Final Sheen Selection

The selection of the right paint sheen will depend on various factors, including the room’s use, the surface you’re painting, and personal preference. Rooms with high traffic or moisture may require a glossier sheen for durability and easy cleaning, while bedrooms or ceilings may best suit flat or matte finishes for their ability to hide imperfections.

Remember, the sheen you choose can significantly impact the appearance and performance of your paint. Each sheen offers its unique aesthetic and practical benefits. By finding the one that best matches your needs, you’ll ensure that your color of choice doesn’t just look beautiful, it also stands up to the demands of your daily life. So, it’s time to shine on with the right hue and the perfect sheen to make your interior come alive.

Trendy Hues: Interior Paint Color Trends for the Year 


Interior design is an ever-evolving field, much like the world of fashion and technology. Each year, new trends emerge, nurturing homes with fresh and appealing aesthetics. One factor that can dramatically change the vibe of your interiors is the wall’s color. As simple as it may seem, a coat of paint can set the mood in every room and ultimately shapes the identity of your home. In this article, we’ll explore the most recent color trends in the realm of interior design, making your home a true reflection of the times.

2020 Reinvented: The Biophilic Approach

2020 was a game-changer in more ways than one could count. It redefined our lifestyle patterns and our relationships with our homes. With people spending most of their time indoors, a growing trend was observed leaning towards a much more organic, natural and soothing palette rooted in Biophilic Design. Biophilia is the human inclination to affiliate with nature, and it has significantly impacted the color trends in interior paint for this year. Think shades that calibrate the human mind towards calmness and serenity like deep peacock greens, moody indigo blues, and luxurious teals.

Neutral Shades: The Reclaimed Popularity

Neutral tones are classics, evergreen. They possess a timeless versatility that complements almost all other colors. While many might argue that neutrals are safe and predictable, the recent trend showcases a reinvigorated love for these hues in a new light. Neutral tones like crisp whites, soft beige, earthy browns, and subtle greys are now being paired with robust, textured furnishings and vibrant patterns, proving that they can be anything but boring.

Regality in Rich Jewel Tones

Jewel tones have always held a special place in interior design, offering opulence, depth, and a touch of lux. Think ruby red, emerald green, sapphire blue, and golden opal. Paired with luxurious fabrics such as velvet or silk, these colors can dramatically elevate the aesthetic of any room. The key here is balance — too much can be overwhelming, so it’s best to use them as statement pieces or accent walls.

Bold Move: Black is Back

In the past couple of years, black got reestablished as a bold, chic, and versatile domestic presence. Black can serve as an impressive backdrop when used correctly, allowing other elements to pop. This color trend ensures that decorated spaces have a sleek, modern edge. Matte black is particularly fashionable, thanks to its clever ability to accentuate natural light and contrast against bright colors symmetrically.

Earth Tones: Humble and Grounded

Earth tones transport us back to our roots, acknowledging the beauty of the natural world. These colors include mallard green, terracotta, taupe, hazel, and ocean blue. In a way, these paints represent a mindful living that appreciates the simple things, bringing the outside world into our homes. A room painted with an earth tone gives off an organic, warm, and cozy feeling, inviting people to relax and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.


Despite the wide variety of trendy colors, it’s essential to recognize that these are simply guidelines and not rules set in stone. Your home should ultimately reflect your personal taste and vision. So, don’t shy away from making bold color moves that fit your aesthetic and bring you joy. If anything, 2022 has shown that there is room for all kinds of design styles and colors, like the soothing biophilic hues, the classic neutrals’ comeback, the richness of jewel tones, the daring presence of black and the humble appreciation of earth tones. By incorporating the latest interior paint color trends, you can rejuvenize your space and make it entirely your own.

Longevity Matters: Interior Paint Maintenance Tips 


All homes require regular maintenance, and one essential aspect of this often overlooked is interior paint. Often people only consider repainting a room when they notice visible damage or when they are ready to change its color. However, regular upkeep of the paint within the house can serve to increase the value, ensure that the color of the bedroom or living room walls lasts longer than expected, and maintains a positive atmosphere in a household. This article will provide useful tips on how to maintain the interior paint of your home.

The Importance of Interior Paint Maintenance

Interior paint contributes not only to the aesthetics of your home but also to the overall ambiance. Well-maintained and vibrant paints can invoke positive emotions that foster healthier relationships within the family. Furthermore, it can impress visitors and potential buyers, enhancing the house’s resale value.

Severe neglect of the maintenance of interior paint makes it vulnerable to discoloration, peeling, chalking, and mold growth. Hence, taking proactive steps in maintaining it increases its lifespan, giving your home a fresh and polished look for longer.

Regular Cleaning and Dusting

Much like every other component of your home, your walls also accumulate dust over time. While dust isn’t always immediately visible on colored surfaces and may seem harmless, over time it can cause a loss of vibrancy in the paint. Hence, cleaning walls regularly is a must. However, ensure to use a soft cloth or sponge to avoid damaging the painted surfaces, and a mild detergent is best to clean without causing harm.

Inspect for Damage or Wear

A key part of maintenance is staying ahead of any potential issues. Be sure to regularly check your walls for any signs of damage such as peeling, cracking, chalking or molding. If found early, these issues can often be easily repaired without need for a major repainting job. Take note that highly trafficked areas or those exposed to moisture, like the kitchen and bathroom, often need extra attention.


If you find areas with minor damage, small touch-ups are an effective way to maintain the look of the paint without a full repainting. Ensure to use the same color and finish of the original paint for a seamless look. Always clean and prime the wall before applying the new paint. Take the time to blend the brush strokes into the surrounding wall – with the right technique, the touch-up can look virtually invisible.

Proper Ventilation

Good ventilation is a must for interior paint longevity. Moisture is the number one enemy of paint, causing it to peel, crack, and discolor. Opening windows and using exhaust fans can significantly reduce moisture levels in rooms that are most susceptible to it.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Like many other materials, interior paint can fade and disintegrate under prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Drawing blinds or curtains during the brightest part of the day can go a long way in extending the life of your interior paint.

Seeking Professional Help

While minor issues can often be handled independently, certain problems require expert attention. If you observe extensive peeling, discoloration, or mold growth, it may be time to hire a professional. They not only ensure quality work but also save you time and effort.


A home’s interior is more than just an aesthetic choice; it’s an investment that needs regular upkeep. The suggestions provided here provide a simple, yet compelling guide to maintaining the longevity of your interior paint. Following these interior paint maintenance tips can protect your investment and keep your home looking its best for years to come. Remember, a vibrant, fresh-looking space creates a healthy and positive atmosphere, which is essential for any home.